Faculty Inspire Deeper Engagement With Persuall

作者: 威尼斯游戏大厅

发表日期: 11/2/2020

类别: 教职员工 教学重点

Carey Suneja, Abby Markwyn and Sue 刘易斯
Carey Suneja, Abby Markwyn and Sue 刘易斯

Getting students to "do the reading" can be challenging. Many instructors find creative and engaging ways to help students put their heads together - literally and figuratively - to read and reflect on course materials. Since this kind of physical, shoulder-to-shoulder work is impossible this fall, several faculty experimented with a digital solution: a social e-reading app called Perusall. Perusall uses social motivation to encourage students to complete assigned reading outside of class, read more deeply for understanding, and help each other with comprehension. Today’s Spotlight shares three faculty experiments with Perusall to preserve cooperative learning while inspiring engagement with course content. 

In her first-year Writing Seminar, Carey Suneja used Persuall to recreate a space for synchronous small group work even with some students attending remotely. Suneja set up groups combining in-class and online students who worked together to read and annotate using Perusall. 对于Suneja, Perusall “equalized the difference between in person and online students” and led to richer, more inclusive conversations. “Students even started some back and forth debate,苏内贾说, “because they were responding to each other and not just to their own annotations on the text.”

Abby Markwyn saw similar engagement among her History students. Both within Perusall and in class, Markwyn saw her students “delving into the document in more detail” and engaging with one another without her prompting. 在上课时, Markwyn also used students’ digital comments to enhance their discussions, asking them to elaborate or respond to what they or others had said in the app.

Perusall also supports flipped learning by helping students better prepare ahead of time. Sue 刘易斯’s Ecology students used Perusall to read and annotate a primary research article before discussing the article in class with one of its authors, which prepared them for more insightful conversations with the experts. “Students were highlighting terms, sharing definitions with classmates, 甚至引用资料,刘易斯说. “Even just sharing ‘I never thought of this’ and ‘I didn’t know this was possible’ was more than they might offer up in a typical class discussion.” 

While these faculty used Perusall in slightly different ways, all three say the tool helped them make student learning more visible, and their students were reading more carefully and thinking more deeply about the readings than before. 也, 正如马克温所指出的那样, Perusall’s analytics offer instructors “a visible way of telling who’s engaged, 以及他们是如何参与的.” Given this tangible way of gauging student learning, Markwyn, 刘易斯, and Suneja all plan to use Perusall in some capacity long-term to promote cooperative learning and inspire deeper engagement in their courses.



刘易斯, Suneja, and Markwyn offer the following recommendations for adopting Perusall:

  • Assign smaller groups to annotate copies of the reading rather than having the whole class comment on the same copy
  • Set deadlines ahead of class sessions so you have time to read through the comments in Perusall beforehand
  • Model how to annotate and interact with the text and each other
  • Follow the set-up instructions precisely to avoid technical issues when creating and grading Perusall assignments


If you’d like to try out Perusall, here are some resources to help you get started:

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